AICTE Internship

The EY GDS AICTE Internship offers hands-on learning in the exciting areas of full-stack web development. Over 6 weeks, Interns gain valuable experience through:


Learn from industry experts at EY who will share their knowledge through interactive sessions.


Get personalized guidance from subject matter specialists throughout the internship.

Ask Me Anything sessions:

Clear any doubts and get your questions answered in open forum discussions.



Week Agenda Student Deliverables
Week 0 Orientation of Internship, Project allocation Selection of Projects through Google form Commence Project Related Tasks
Week 1 Master session on Resume Building, Mentorship sessions, and Ask Me Anything sessions Complete the Weekly Milestone and feedback form Project related tasks Self-paced learning
Week 2 Master session on Design Thinking in Real World Applications, Mentorship sessions, and Ask Me Anything sessions Complete the Weekly Milestone and feedback form Project related tasks Self-paced learning
Week 3 Master session on Managing codebase with Git Hub, Mentorship sessions, and Ask Me Anything sessions Complete the Weekly Milestone and feedback form Project related tasks Self-paced learning
Week 4 Master session on DevOps: Code to Production, Mentorship sessions, Ask Me Anything sessions, and Final Project Submission Complete Weekly Milestone Self-Paced learning Final project and PPT Submission
Week 5 Mock project presentations Presentation of Project in front of Subject Matter Experts Incorporate changes in the project mentioned by Mentors
Week 6 Final Project Presentations (PPT) Final Presentation of Project before EY Industry Experts

Eligibility Criteria:

Next Month of Engagement:

EY GDS – AICTE Internship is tentatively scheduled in the month of Nov 2024 – Jan 2025 and Feb 2025 – Apr 2025

Project Track Offered:

Full Stack Web Development


6 weeks

Past Achievements:

  1. 3716 interns were certified in the A.Y.2023-24
  2. 56% are Male
  3. 44% are Female
  4. Interns from 27 states have participated in the internship
  5. 22 Unique project titles were offered under Full Stack Web Development and Advanced Data Analytics track
  6. 67 interns have got the opportunity to present their projects in the final presentation